Five more stress tips for surviving tough times How do you stay calm under
pressure so intense it makes you want to scream?Especially if you want to stay
away from valium?Especially if you need to get some Where Do You Get Prom
Dresses things done that require focus.Read on for five more things
you can do that will help you calm yourself down. First, you might want to
review the five basic strategies from the first article of this series:Be
prepared, breathe, take time out Bridesmaid
Dresses: when you need it, focus on the
positive, and do what you can, one thing at a time.But sometimes, you need more
help.Your body may be flooded with stress hormones, and they need to go
somewhere.Some serious intervention may be in order.Physical intervention. If
there is someone nearby whom you have a hugging relationship with, by all means,
get a hug.Make it a nice and long one, if appropriate.If there no one around,
maybe cuddle a pet.Hugging or cuddling a pet releases oxytocin, which will
counteract your stress hormones.And it also calms your stress response overall.
Immersing yourself in hot water, maybe laced with epsom salt and some soothing
aromatherapy essential oils, can be a powerful stress reliever.If you prefer
bubble baths they work too.If you think you going to explode, run yourself a hot
bath.Once you let yourself sink into the tub, you notice almost instantly how
the stress just melts away.A cup of tea made with soothing herbs is optional. Go
to the gym.A fairly intense workout gets rid of the stress hormones and you will
feel a whole lot better afterwards.In fact, that stressedout feeling may well
have evaporated altogether.If you stuck at work, you could also walk or run up
and down the stairs a few times.No stairs?Walk around the block. There are a
number of natural supplements that help with calming yourself down.I have found
valerian especially effective, alone or in combination with a variety of other
herbs, including passion flower, scullcap, st.John wort, kava, and more.Other
supplements, including gaba are also highly effective and can be used alone or
in combination with the former. Careful though, if you taking antidepressants.If
you do, be sure to check with your doctor before selfmedicating.Also be careful
with those herbs if you have to drive or use heavy machinery.Make sure you know
how Junior
Bridesmaid Dresses they affect you before deciding whether you
still safe to drive.Of course, intense stress too affects your ability to drive,
so watch out in any event. If you believe in a higher power, you will find
prayer very helpful as well.Just turn your problem or situation over to god, the
universe, the higher power, and pray for guidance and right outcome.Then give a
prayer of thanks for getting that guidance, maybe even add, gee, i wonder how
you get me out of this one, and then take a deep breath and proceed to step five
from the previous article:Do what you can one thing at a time.One of my favorite
resources is the unity prayer line, which you can reach 24/7 at 1800nowpray.It
free and incredibly helpful. So let recap:Get a hug, take a hot bath, exercise,
try some calming herbs, and/or pray
not necessarily in that order, will help you stay calm in tough times.Want more
stress tips?Get elisabeth kuhn free stressbusting strategies report and reclaim
your inner calm.